What is Mobile Training? The Benefits & Best Practices of Training in the flow of work

ArcLab Mobile Training
Jie Ying

Jie Ying

Across the world, 84% of the world’s population owns a smartphone. Mobile phones represent an important part of our modern life, we communicate, access the internet for information, check e-mails, and perform many other important roles with our phones.

For the Deskless workforce, mobile-phone accessibility is also a game-changer. With Mobile Training, they can easily access opportunities to learn and upskill continuously in the flow of their work. As workers’ productivity increases, organisations stand to reap great benefits on the bottom line.

What is Mobile Training

Mobile training refers to training content that is delivered directly to a learner’s mobile device. No printed SOPs checkboxes to tick, hard-copy binders filled with a hundred pages of onboarding to go through, or squeeze in a conference room with hundreds of people for a 3-hour training conference.

Training modules offered through Mobile Training are bite-sized, interactive, and most importantly trackable, so you can measure what matters to further your organisation’s goals.

Benefits of Mobile Training

According to internal research conducted by ArcLab, we see customers such as 4Fingers achieving up to 27 hours of training time savings, per staff per month. Another company – Fei Siong Group, has since achieved 50% time savings and close to 50% increase in productivity, and a 23% decrease in trainers’ manual workload.

This is an achievable goal largely due to our platform features that allow large quantities of information to be condensed into engaging bite-sized NanoLearning materials that make learning quick & fun. The time savings from Mobile Training are beneficial to the bottom line from a business perspective. When staff is well-trained, their productivity increases. All this goes to help employers build a Productive Workforce.

Another benefit of Mobile Training is that it can take place Anytime, Anywhere in Any Language. Our Deskless employees do not have to take precious time away from their job in order to complete their training. Staff are free to complete the training modules at a time and place that best suit their workflow.

3 Best Practices of Mobile Training

Here are some ways to optimise your workforce Mobile training strategy to foster engagement & increase productivity among your deskless workers.

Make it Interactive

Our attention span now averages 8 seconds (for comparison – the attention span of a goldfish is 9 seconds). Making learning on the job interactive is not a suggestion, but imperative to engage staff and keep them motivated to learn more and do more.

Ways to make learning on the job fun and interactive are to include pop quizzes throughout the module and to incorporate video into your content.

Make Mobile Training in the Flow of Work

This means having small bursts of information that your employees can complete, and digest easily in 2-3 minutes, and get straight back to work.

Learning and upskilling become a core part of their existing workflow. When Mobile Training becomes an enjoyable experience for your workers, it encourages repeated usage. 

A way to achieve this is to ensure that your training is accessible Anywhere, Any Time, and better yet in Any language tailored to their specific needs. When workers are able to train remotely in their preferred languages, it can help not only increase completion rates, but also provide more value to your business.

With a click of a button, you can translate an entire module to another language preferred by your workforce.

Measure using Learner Analytics

Measuring performance data ensures that we get the most out of our Mobile Training program. The data can also help guide future mobile training strategy so that it remains effective and impactful for your workforce.

Some key metrics to consider with Mobile Training are the Completion Rates, Training Duration & Performance Scores. These are components that would be effective & relevant in any training program, even more so when it comes to our Deskless workforce who are largely on the go.

That’s why it is essential to create your training module on a platform that allows your HR managers and L&D teams to access relevant data points when needed. ArcLab allows you to access Folder Analytics Dashboard which presents a comprehensive snapshot of all your Learner’s progress & performance.

Looking to incorporate Mobile Training in your Workforce Strategy? Speak with us and let us help you get started!

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